Essential Chiropractic Center Helps Women and Men with Chronic Fatigue and Hormonal Imbalances.

13 02 2009

Importance of Adrenal Function

graphic_template_hormone1If you Opra Winfreys most recent show on bio-indentical hormones you will want to read this!

Our adrenal glands are our body’s primary shock absorbers; they determine our response to stress. Their role is to maintain and safeguard our health. Many body systems depend on them for support, such as hormone balance, blood sugar control mechanisms, proper brain function, and proper function of the immune system. They make a variety of hormones for us on a regular basis such as: • DHEA which we can use to make estrogen and testosterone, and has many other beneficial uses • Cortisol to help us handle stress and inflammation • Melatonin for good sleep • hormones to maintain Blood pressure The stress response is the most variable and demanding job our adrenal glands handle. When stress is chronic and intense, it is possible to surpass the level which the adrenal glands can handle and symptoms will ensue. These symptoms can include: • fatigue (often a pattern of morning or evening fatigue) • insomnia • fatigue after intense exercise • worsened signs of hormone imbalance or trouble getting hormones balanced • trouble focusing or poor memory • anxiety • depression • cravings, especially for sweets or carbs • low blood sugar symptoms • weight gain, especially around the middle • and many other symptoms. Adrenal fatigue is a prevalent problem in our current society. And despite ads on TV about EXCESS cortisol, cortisol deficiency from adrenal fatigue is much more common and can produce all of the symptoms the TV ads connect with excess levels. Anyone with symptoms of a hormone imbalance has an increased adrenal workload. And hormone balance will be much harder to achieve if adrenal function is not tested and optimized. Testing is easily done with a Saliva test kit. Once Salivary Cortisol levels have been evaluated, we will customize a program just for you. Essential Chiropractic adrenal support products are derived from time honored methods for correcting adrenal fatigue. Clients frequently notice improved energy, sleep and general sense of well-being within days of starting an appropriate adrenal support protocol. If you live in the Chicago suburbs and would like to see one of our doctors we can be reached at 630-679-0554 or via the web at



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